two young girls, wearing ski helmets and coats, smile for a photo


Check out what other schools are saying about Brimacombe

Annually, we bring over 250 children to ski and snowboard at Brimacombe, ranging in age from 8 – 14 years. Many of the children are new to this sport and require professional instruction, guidance and patience; three qualities which describe the resort’s instructors well.

We have also personally witnessed the friendly and supportive way in which the staff communicate with the children ensuring an enjoyable visit. As a result, our students and their parents are highly supportive of the ski program and look forward to attending each year… this winter activity has become an integral part of our program.

For these reasons and many others, Brimacombe will be our ski destination of choice for many years to come.

St. Joseph School in Cobourg enjoyed a great day at the hill! The organizing teacher came back to school at the end of the day and could not say enough good things about the ski school and the level of customer service demonstrated by the instructors and the staff. It made me proud of being a long-time member.