Snow School Policies
Snow School Policies
Safe Program Commitment
Every participant and Brimacombe employee has the right to feel safe and comfortable in our lessons. Brimacombe will make every reasonable effort to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all people in our program setting.
Behaviour Policy
Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner towards staff, other participants and their natural surroundings. Our expectations will be discussed with each participant on the first day of lessons and on an ongoing basis.
Participants who persist in behaviour that is dangerous to themselves, staff and/or other participants, or adversely affects the quality of the lesson program and surrounding environment, may be requested to leave the program for the day and/or remaining week(s) enrolled. No refunds will be issued if a participant is dismissed from the program.
Anti-Bullying Commitment
Brimacombe does not tolerate bullying, in any of its forms. Our goal is to provide a safe, cooperative and stable environment where our participants can thrive.
We recognize that bullying can have adverse effects on a participant’s development and experience and Brimacombe is ready to respond to any forms of bullying, including but not limited to, verbal, physical, emotional and any situation that creates discomfort for a participant or employee.
All staff are trained in strategies to quickly and effectively deal with and dispel any issues that may arise. Brimacombe’s supervisors and management team will also be directly involved in addressing these issues and creating meaningful dialogue with the participant (s), in conjunction with support from involved families, to achieve a positive resolution.
Participants who persist in bullying behaviours that adversely affect employees and/or other participants, or adversely affects the quality of the program and surrounding environments, may be requested to leave the program for the day and/or remaining week(s) enrolled.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to help prepare their participants for Snow School lessons, taking an active role in contributing to a positive climate of inclusion and respect. We encourage parents/guardians to go over Brimacombe’s Bullying Policy with their participants, as well as discuss proactive strategies for how to ensure cooperation and inclusion between other participants. Parents/guardians are encouraged to emphasize that if their participant feels excluded, they are to let their instructor know right away.